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Improve Digestion with the Goodness of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, including digestion. The traditional system of medicine emphasizes the importance of good digestion for hale and hearty living. According to Ayurveda, when digestion is strong and efficient, it promotes proper nutrient absorption, elimination of waste, and the maintenance of balanced doshas (vital energies). There are various Ayurvedic Health supplements that complement the science of Ayurveda.

Why is digestion important?

Traditional belief and modern-day studies agree that gut health is vital for overall well being. Our digestive system breaks down food we eat, helps in absorption of nutrients and eliminates toxins from the body. If these are not removed regularly and properly, they become the source of illnesses and diseases. As per studies, 75-85% of the immune system lies in the gut.

Poor eating habits, improper sleep, sedentary lifestyle, stress along with other factors alter the gut microbiota, destroying healthy bacteria and allowing harmful bacteria to proliferate.

Ayurveda provides some simple solutions to improve digestion:

Eat mindfully: Ayurveda encourages eating mindfully by taking food in a calm and relaxed environment, free from distractions like TV or electronic devices. It is recommended to enjoy the meal and its flavors, chew your food thoroughly, as proper chewing aids in digestion by breaking down the food into smaller particles.

Follow proper food combining: Ayurveda suggests that certain foods are best eaten together, while others are not. For example, avoid combining milk with sour fruits, as it can lead to indigestion. Understanding food combinations can promote better digestion.

Favor warm, cooked foods over cold foods and beverages: As per Ayurveda, Pitta governs digestion and it favors warm, cooked foods over cold and raw foods, as they are easier to digest. Taking too many cold beverages can cause digestive issues like bloating, gas and constipation. However, taking salads and cold beverages at the right time will do no harm. Also, it is recommended not to take water with meals as it interferes with digestion.

Use of digestive spices: Ginger, cumin, coriander, cardamom, fennel and turmeric are digestion-enhancing spices that should be incorporated into your meals. These spices can help stimulate the digestive fire (agni) and improve nutrient absorption. Some Ayurvedic Health Supplements Products are also available that are made of natural herbs and spices.

Avoid overeating: Overeating and gluttony is a common cause for improper digestion leading to poor gut health. It can overload the digestive system and lead to sluggish digestion. Ayurveda recommends eating until you are about 75% full to leave room for the digestive process to occur efficiently.

Hydration: Keeping yourself hydrated cannot be stressed more. Drink warm or room-temperature water throughout the day to support digestion. As per Ayurveda, cold or iced beverages dampen the digestive fire and should be avoided.

Practice abhyanga: Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic self-massage with warm oil. Massaging your abdomen with warm sesame oil in a clockwise direction can help improve digestion.

Include probiotic foods: Healthy digestion leads to a healthy gut. It is highly recommended to incorporate fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and pickles to support a healthy gut microbiome. Though required in small quantities, these provide healthy bacteria for healthy digestion.

Eat seasonal food: One should choose locally available, seasonal foods, as they are considered more suitable for your body and digestive system during each season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables that naturally ripen in the sun are fresher, taste better and have the highest amount of nutrition. Whereas, produce loses nutritional value the longer it is stored or sits while being transported.

Manage stress: Some people have a tendency to turn to food when they are stressed or emotionally hurt. This is termed as stress eating. If one suffers from chronic stress or stress eating, then it is highly recommended to include stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, and pranayama to maintain a balanced state of mind and come out of this self-hurting cycle.

Regular Exercise: Exercise stokes the digestive fire. A 30-60 min session of regular exercise or yoga or brisk walking is enough to bring digestion on the right track. Also, doing some strength training exercises 2-3 times a week supports bone health and maintains gut well-being.

Ayurveda introduces us to the science of life. It teaches us how to maintain good health and enjoy every minute of our life by being close to nature. Creating and following good habits around eating supports our digestive system. You can look up Online Ayurvedic Supplements Products to improve digestion . Lifetree Gut Relax, an ayurvedic health supplement formulated with this very proposition aids healthy digestion, clean colon and good gut health. It is made with natural herbs that flushes out the toxins from the body and helps in proper absorption of nutrients. However, if you have specific digestive concerns or health conditions, it's best to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can provide personalized recommendations and treatments.


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